Mittel Europa Criterium – test event for ORC Worlds 2017
On the below link ther's a couple of articles, summaries of the racing days by various authors from ORC World Championship 2015 held in Barcelona, Spain. (Scroll to the end of page to see more articles...). Interesting reading and superior photo...
From this year's championship which is held in Skovshoved Habour located a few kilometres north of Copenhagen, Sveden, the material will be available soon. But everything looks ready Now it's time...
But in the next championship ORC Worlds 2017 to be held in Trieste, Italy we North Adriatic Sailing Academy will also be there!
Follow us at: Mittel Europa Criterium - test event for ORC Worlds 2017...
(More information will follow when available)
2015 ORC WorldChampionship Daily Summaries...
Great cover picture, do you see one small detail? (the fastest are always at the front, X-yachts)
Fair wind!